Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Are you under the age of 18?
Select Yes No
Within the past 30 days, have you used marijuana, cocaine, any narcotics, amphetamines, barbiturates or other controlled substances that were not prescribed to you by a physician, or taken in accordance with your physician's prescription?
Select Yes No
If yes, give the name and relationship of each relative.
Have you ever applied for a position with Mays Concrete, Inc. before, for which you were not hired?
Select Yes No
If yes, state when and the position.
Have you ever worked for Mays Concrete, Inc. before?
Select Yes No
If yes, state when and the position.
Have you gone by any other name(s)?
Select Yes No
If yes, give the other name(s) and the period of time during which it was used.
I am applying for Listing #:
How did you learn of this job listing?
Do you own the tools required to do the job applied for?
Select Yes No
On what date will you be available to work?
Are you on layoff and subject to recall?
Select Yes No
If temporary, list dates. From:
List any days of the week and any hours of the day you can't work.
Do you have any commitments that will require your absence from work during regular work hours for more than three (3) days within the next six months?
Select Yes No
If yes, please explain.
Will you work over 40 hours per week if required?
Select Yes No
Will you accept out-of-town assignments if required?
Select Yes No
If No, what qualifications do you lack?
Please list any special skills, training or experiences which qualify you for the position for which you are applying.
Can you perform the essential job functions with or without reasonable accommodations?
Select Yes No
If the position requires a medical exam after a conditional offer of employment and you receive such an offer, are you willing to be examined by a physician selected by Mays Concrete, Inc. at the Company's expense?
Select Yes No
All positions at Mays Concrete, Inc. require that the employee be free from illegal drugs and alcohol while on duty. Are you willing to submit to pre-employment drug testing and, if employed, random, post accident, periodic and reasonable cause drug and alcohol testing?
Select Yes No
Do you have a valid drivers license?
Select Yes No
Enter State
Expiration Date
Grammar School
High School
Select Yes No
Degree or Course of Study
Other education (please specify).
Former Employers
Employer Name / Address / Phone
Reason for Leaving
Employer Name / Address / Phone
Reason for Leaving
Employer Name / Address / Phone
Reason for Leaving
Personal References
Years Acquainted
Years Acquainted
Years Acquainted
Work background
Explain any gaps in your work history which are longer than six months.
Have you ever been fired from a job or quit under threat of being fired?
Select Yes No
If yes, explain when and by which employer and their reason.
Have you ever been demoted or disciplined in a job (written warnings, suspension, etc.)?
Select Yes No
If yes, state when this occurred, identify the employer by name, address and telephone number, and state the reasons given to you by the employer for your demotion or discipline.
Please describe any problems in your current job about which you have been warned or disciplined during the past 12 months.
Who should we contact to confirm employment data? Include name, title, telephone number.
May we talk to your current employer now, or only if you are hired?
Select Now Only if hired
Full Name